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The word kindness is the abstract noun form for the adjective kind.

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15y ago

Kindness is a noun and so has no past tense.

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11y ago

This word do not have plural form. It can use either plural or single.

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12y ago

Kindness is a noun.

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Q: What is the adjective form of kindness?
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What kind of noun is kindness?

The word kindness is the abstract noun form for the adjective kind.

Is kinder an adjective or a noun?

Kinder is the comparative form of the adjective kind:positive: kindcomparative: kindersuperlative: kindestThe noun form is kindness.

What is the abstract noun for kindly?

The word 'kindly' is the adverb form of the adjective 'kind'.The abstract noun for of the adjective 'kind' is kindness.

What is Abstract noun of kind?

The word kindness is the abstract noun form for the adjective kind.

Is kindest a verb?

No, "kindest" is not a verb. It is an adjective that describes the superlative form of "kind," meaning having or showing kindness or goodness.

Is kind an adjective?

Yes, kind is an adjective, as it descibes a word. There are 2 different ways to use "Kind" in a sentence. There is "There are many differnent kinds to choose from" or there is "That was a very kind gesture". But yes, kind is an adjective. Hope that helps! NinaAnnaGillian

How do you turn the word 'kind' into a noun by using a suffix?

Kindness is not either. It is a noun and "kind" is an adjective.

What is the adjective of kindness?

the word "the" is NOT an adjective. It IS a definite article.

Is kind a noun or adjective?

The word 'kind' is an abstract noun as a word for a group united by common traits.The noun form of the adjective kind is kindness.Example uses:Your kindness is really appreciated.This is my favorite kind of candy.

What adjective to use for Looking like an angel?

Angelic = looking or behaving like an angel

What abstract noun from kind?

The noun 'kind' is an abstact noun as a word for a type or class. The abstract noun form of the adjective "kind" is "kindness".

What is the adjective form of concept?

The adjective form of concept is conceptual.The adjective form of conception is conceptional.