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Sessile and free-floating animals such as echinoderms and cnidarians exhibit two distinct advantages of radial symmetry. Primarily, radial symmetry allows for animals to reach out in all directions from one center such as during feeding. This is an advantage since they don't have a high degree of controllable movement even during food collecting periods. Secondarily, radial symmetric animals are able to receive stimuli from all directions which have efficient defense mechanisms due to their radial symmetric distribution.

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15y ago
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16y ago

Radial symmetry - The vast majority of organisms displaying radial symmetry are anchored to the substrate (often referred to as a sessile lifestyle, sort of like couch potatoes). Although all lateral surfaces have equal likelihood of interacting with the environment in a meaningful manner, the "top" and "bottom" of the organism have very different functions. The lower surfaces are often modified to provide a stable, concrete point of attachment to some solid surface, while the upper surfaces are often modified for the gathering of resources (usually food). Because lateral organization is relatively unimportant but vertical organization is meaningful, symmetry around this central vertical axis becomes the most useful body plan.

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14y ago

Bilaterally symmetric animals have sensory organs focused at the head which interacts with the environment before the rest of the body does. This allows for quick reactions and the ability to be motile. Since senses are located at the front of the organism they move in a forward direction. They are capable of moving much faster than radially symmetrical animals. It increases the amount of territory they can cover to find food or increases their speed so that they can better avoid predators.

Radially symmetrical animals that are motile can change directions without turning around but their senses are limited and they are very slow.

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15y ago

Animals with radial symmetry are typically sessile, free floating, or swim weakly. They have no anterior or posterior end and thus can engage their environment from all sides. Their arrangements allow them to catch prey coming from any direction. Bilatera symmetry is found in animals which are better fitted for forward or directional movement. This is associated with cephalization where sense organs/nerves ect ... are concentrated in an anterior region. Moving through an environment head first is the most efficient means to sense and respond to the surroundings.

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15y ago

well i no the advantage. its that an animal or human's head is first in the enviorment. sorry cuz i dnt no the disadvantagee

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11y ago


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Radial symmetry.other animals (exept sponges) and other exeption have bilateral symetry. bilateral symmetrical animals have up and down side, and a front and a back leaving left and right the same. radial animals only have an up side and down side, they do not have a fornt and back side.radial symmetry

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