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Q: What is the adverb for conclusion?
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Related questions

Is conclusion an adverb?

No. Conclusion is a noun. A related adverb form is "conclusively."

What is an Adverb for conclusion?

It is conclusively.

Is therefore a conjunction?

No, "therefore" is not a conjunction; it is an adverb that indicates a conclusion or result based on previous information presented. It is commonly used to show cause and effect relationships in sentences.

Is hence a preposition?

No, "hence" is an adverb, not a preposition. It is used to show a result or conclusion based on what has been said or to indicate a time in the future from a past point.

Is therefore a preposition?

No, "therefore" is not a preposition. It is an adverb that indicates a conclusion or consequence based on what was previously stated.

Is the word therefore a conjunction?

No, "therefore" is not a conjunction. It is an adverb that typically indicates a conclusion or result of an action or a logical implication.

What is conclusion in adjective form?

The word 'conclusion' is the noun form: conclusion, conclusions, and the gerund, concluding.The verb forms are: conclude, concludes, concluding, concluded.The adjective forms are: conclusive, concluding, concluded.The adverb form is: conclusively.

Is finally a time connective?

No, "finally" is more commonly known as an adverb rather than a time connective. It indicates the completion or conclusion of a sequence of events.

Is therefore a compound word?

therefore is not a compound word because there is a word but fore is not

What is the definition of hense?

"hence" is an adverb that means as a consequence or for this reason. It is used to show the result or conclusion of something. "Hense" is not a recognized word in English.

What is the present tense of finally?

The present tense of "finally" is "finally." This word remains the same in present tense as it is an adverb indicating the conclusion of something or when something is done after a long time.

Is therefore a compound noun?

No, the word therefore is a compound word, but it is an adverb used to show how a sentence or clause is related to what has already been said; for that reason; consequently. Example:He lost the bet, therefore he paid me fifty dollars.