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Q: What is the age children must attend school until?
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Is there a national age that a child must attend school until?

In England - 16.

What does children have to wear to school if their Islamic?

They should wear school uniform, whatever religion they follow. They must follow the rules of the school they attend.

What is the compulsory education age in the UK?

Depending of their date of birth, children in the UK must begin school by the first January, April, or September following their birthday. Children born between the first of September and the end of December must begin after January 1. Children born between the first of April and the end of August must begin after September 1. Children born between the beginning of January and the end of March must begin after April 1. All children must continue to attend school until the last Friday of June during the school year in which they turn 16.

At what age does the law in Guam requires all children to attend school?

The law in Guam requires all children to attend school when they reach the age of five years old. A child must have reached the age of five years old by July 31 of each year for enrollment in a school for that particular school year.

Can you force a 16 year old to attend school?

Technically you cant force anyone to do anything, but if you are under 18 it is the law that you must be in school until you graduate.

In order to have a license, all teenagers must attend driving school.?

In order to have a license, all teenagers must attend driving school.

How long must one go to school for a good career?

How long one must go to school to have a good career will vary depending on the career. For example, doctors will need to attend school until they receive their doctorate degree.

Must you be a citizen of Indonesia to go to school there?

Yes, You must be a citizen of Indonesia to attend school

At what age can a child quit school with their parents signing in Tennessee?

According to the State of Tennessee website, all children must attend school between the ages of 6 and 17.

Can you attend to a court arraignment when your 16 years old and miss school?

If it is YOU that is being arraigned, yes. You MUST appear. If it is simply as a spectator, you must get permission from your school administrators to miss school to attend.

What is the maximum age a student can attend high school in Illinois?

In Illinois, a student must attend high school until they turn 17 years old or graduate, whichever comes first. However, students may continue attending high school until they turn 21 if they are receiving special education services.

The law requires all children in belgium to attend school between the ages of?

Actually children don't have to go to school, they must get education between the age of 6 and 18. If parents decide to educate their children by themself or outside a school, gave to proof that the children get a good education. I think the children have to take examinations organised by the government. Usually parents bring their children to school from the age of 3.