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Q: What is the altitude of Mora NM?
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Where is the Historic Mora Valley Foundation in Cleveland New Mexico located?

The address of the Historic Mora Valley Foundation is: Pob 287, Cleveland, NM 87715

What is the altitude of Raton New Mexico?

It is 6,680 feet above sea level.

How many miles between Taos NM and Apache Mesa Mora NM?

It is 81.5 miles according to Google Maps, but there is also an Apache Mesa located 114 miles west of Taos at Rio Arriba, NM

How does the altitude of Santa Fe NM compare to the altitude of Denver CO?

Both are higher them Denver with Santa Fe at 7,260 feet and Albuquerque at 5,312 feet above sea level.

When was Luis Paulino Mora Mora born?

Luis Paulino Mora Mora was born in 1944.

What is the highest US capital based on altitude?

The highest US state capital based on altitude is Santa Fe, New Mexico. It sits at an elevation of approximately 7,000 feet above sea level.

What has the author Antoni Mora written?

Antoni Mora has written: 'Josep Ferrater Mora'

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Rick Mora's birth name is Richard Mora.

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Rafa Mora's birth name is Rafael Mora Garca.

Where is the Mora Public Library in Mora located?

The address of the Mora Public Library is: 200 W. Maple, Mora, 55051 1300

How far does the Hubble orbit from earth?

The telescope was inserted into orbit in 1990 at an altitude of 331,6 Nautical Miles and twelve years later captured at 309,3 nm and released at 312,7 NM. 330 nautical miles is about 379 statute miles or 611 kilometers. Some sources I have seen on the Internet say the telescope now has an orbital altitude stil close to 600 kilometers.

What is the spell for the Hermacus Mora quest?

Mora's soul trap