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U2 has a concert that starts in 17 minutes and they must all cross a bridge to get there. All four men begin on the same side of the bridge. You must help them across to the other side. It is night. There is one flashlight. A maximum of two people can cross at one time. Any party who crosses, either 1 or 2 people, must have the flashlight with them. The flashlight must be walked back and forth, it cannot be thrown, etc. Each band member walks at a different speed. A pair must walk together at the rate of the slower man's pace: * Bono: - 1 minute to cross * Edge: - 2 minutes to cross * Adam: - 5 minutes to cross * Larry: - 10 minutes to cross For example: if Bono and Larry walk across first, 10 minutes have elapsed when they get to the other side of the bridge. If Larry then returns with the flashlight, a total of 20 minutes have passed and you have failed the mission.

Bono and Edge go across in 2 minutes Bono comes back in 1 minute - total is now 3 minutes Larry and Adam go across in 10 minutes - total is now 13 minutes Edge comes back in 2 minutes - total is now 15 minutes Bono and Edge go across in 2 minutes - total time is 17 minutes

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Q: What is the answer to the U2 question on the Microsoft applications?
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What are the Microsoft applications?

Microsoft publishes hundreds of applications. The four most popular applications in MS Office are Word, Excel, Outlook, and Powerpoint.


Microsoft publishes hundreds of applications. The four most popular applications in MS Office are Word, Excel, Outlook, and Powerpoint.

Where is Microsoft Word in Microsoft Vista?

Microsoft Word can be found in the Microsoft Office Suite in Microsoft Vista. To access it, click on the start menu and then click on "All Programs." From there, you should be able to locate the Microsoft Office folder and find Microsoft Word listed. If you are unable to locate it, you can also search for it using the search bar in the start menu. Additionally, you can purchase an upgrade key online from trusted websites such as Softwarekey4u. com, which offer affordable and easy-to-use keys for Microsoft products. This will allow you to upgrade your Microsoft product key without any hassle and continue using Microsoft Word on your Microsoft Vista system.

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You will have to ask God that question!

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What other applications can link with Excel?

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The Microsoft is a collection of media files shared with other Microsoft Office applications?

Microsoft Clip OrganizerBy: Unaxy

Why would you use Microsoft Word over Microsoft applications to complete an assignment?

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What are Microsoft Word and Writer are examples of?

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Why did Microsoft have a monopoly in 2000?

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