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A, C and E.

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Q: What is the arpeggio for the A minor scale?
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What are the notes in the a harmonic scale arpeggio?

The same as an A minor chord: A, C, E. If the seventh were included, G#.

What is the arpeggio of the f major scale for oboe?

The arpeggio is the root, 3rd, and 5th of the scale. In F major, those note are F A C.

Is a scale and an arpeggio the same thing in music?

a scale is any 3 notes in order. either up or down. an arpeggio is when you play more than the that cord. c,e,g, ...scale c,g,e,d,f,a,........and up and up and up..arpeggio

What are the notes to the c minor arpeggio?

C Eb G

What is the arpeggio to c major scale?

This is it: C,E,G,C

What is the best scale to practice on guitar for playing metal?

If you're playing in standard tuning, I'd recommend E Minor Pentatonic, that helped me out tonnes. Minor pentatonic is good for old school metal, but if youre looking for a feel more relevant to thrash and death metal, some really cool scales are the whole tone scale, the altered scale, the locrian scale, the diminished 7 arpeggio, and natural and harmonic minor scales are always cool.

What are the notes in a G sharp minor arpeggio?

G♯, B, and D♯.

What are the notes to Can't help Falling in Love for piano?

The left hand uses an F major arpeggio, then uses an A minor arpeggio, the D minor then Bb major, D minor, C major and then back to the F arpeggio. The right hand uses simple notes, they go: F, E/C, F, D, G, A, Bb, A, G C, D, E, F, G, A Bb, A, G, F, A, Bb, C and F.

What hands and letters on keyboard for Fur Elise?

The song is A minor, so you play the high E with your pinky (as your starting note) and the A minor arpeggio with your left hand.

What is a melodic scale in music?

A melodic minor scale is a minor scale where the sixth and seventh are raised by a half step as the scale ascends; however, the melodic minor scale is played exactly the same as a natural minor scale as it descends.

What are the notes in a b minor arpeggio?

B, d, f♯, b, f♯, d♯, b.

My cousin asked me to vocalize what did she mean?

Your cousin was asking you to sing a range of notes, by scale, arpeggio or other stylistic methods.