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Q: What is the atomic number of a gallium?
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What is Gallium's atomic number?

Gallium is a meta element. Atomic number of it is 31.

What is the atomic number and symbol for gallium?

Gallium is a meta element. Atomic number of it is 31.

Which elements has 31 protons?

It is the gallium element. Atomic number is 31.

What is the mass number of Ga?

Gallium is a non metal element. Atomic mass of it is 70.

What is the atomic mass of gallium?

The atomic mass of gallium is approximately 69.72 atomic mass units.

Is gallium bigger than potassium?

No, gallium is smaller than potassium. In the periodic table, the atomic radius of gallium is less than that of potassium, indicating that gallium's atoms are smaller in size.

Which element has an atomic mass of 31?

The atomic mass of Phosphorus is 30.9738. However, Gallium has an atomic number of 31.

If you remove two protons from a germanium atom what do you call it?

If you remove two protons from a germanium atom, it would become a gallium atom. Gallium has atomic number 31, while germanium has atomic number 32. By removing two protons, the atomic number decreases by two, hence the change to gallium.

What is the atomic mass in gallium?

Gallium is a metal element. Atomic mass of it is 70.

What is the atomic weight of gallium?

The atomic weight of gallium is approximately 69.72 atomic mass units.

What is the mass number of Gallium-72?

The mass number of an element is the total number of protons and neutrons in its nucleus. Gallium-72 has 31 protons (the atomic number of Gallium) and 41 neutrons, giving it a mass number of 72.

What is the number of gas?

Gallium is a non metal element. Atomic Mass of it is 70.