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Q: What is the attribution of the human charectericstics to inanmate objects?
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What kind of figurative sentence is these single shoes don't tell their secrets?

The sentence "these single shoes don't tell their secrets" is an example of personification, as it attributes human qualities (secrets) to inanimate objects (shoes).

What is anthropopathy?

Anthropopathy is the attribution of human emotions to a god.

What is an anthropopathism?

An anthropopathism is an alternative term for anthropopathy - the attribution of human emotions to a god.

Which term is used for a phrase that gives human traits of feeling to a thing?

Anthropomorphism is the attribution of human characteristics to an animal or thing.

What do you call attribution of human form or qualities to that which is not human?

Anthropomorphism is the attribution of human characteristics to non-human entities like animals, objects, or natural phenomena.

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Have human or human made objects travel to neptune

What is animism?

Animism is the belief that living spirits are associated with plants, particularly trees, or inaminate objects and natural phenomena. animism commonly refers to a religious beliefe that souls or spirit exist in animals plants and other entities in addational to humans.Animism is a belief in innumerable spiritual beings concerned with human affairs and capable of helping or harming human interests. The definition for the word animism is "the attribution of a soul to plants, inanimate objects, and natural phenomena."

Does Neptune have human or human made objects on it?

No, Neptune does not have human or human made objects. It is to cold on Neptune so therefore, nobody has ever been on Neptune.

What are three ways objects can move?

objects can be moved by human or by machines

What is it called when you give an animal human qualities?

In a poem it is called Personification...or anthropomorphism.

What is the anthropomorphic fallacy?

The anthropomorphic fallacy (also known as the pathetic fallacy) is the attribution of human thoughts and emotions to animals or inanimate objects. For example, to claim that your tomato plants aren't growing very well because they "hate" hot weather would be to commit the anthropomorphic fallacy. Plants are not capable of hate.

What is personification?

Personification is when you describe an object as a person.Personification is when you give human qualities or abilities to an object or The moon smiled through the clouds