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Q: What is the average grocery bill per week 1 person?
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The average electric bill in Milwaukee is 113 dollars a month. The average grocery bill is 200 dollars a week.

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We used to pay around about $200 a week with 2 adults and a child

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between 50-100 dollars

How many times does the average person go to the grocery store in a week?

Between 5-8 per day is considered "normal". Big chainstores like woolies do a lot more, probably up to 16-17 transactions a day!

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How much is the average grocery bill for two people.?

If you don't buy a lot of pre-prepared meals, buy a lot of alcohol, go out for meals like crazy, then for an average couple, the bill should be around $75 a week. This is attained by many different methods.

What is the average grocery cost per person?

The average grocery cost per person ranges from $50 a week to $100 a week. These factors depend on the amount the person eats, and the deals that they find available at different supermarkets.

How much is the average shopping bill per week?

It differs from person to person on how much he can spend depending on his earnings and varies from Rs 1000 to Rs 20000

How much do most people spend on food and grocery items?

Americans spend over $478 Billion per year on groceries. The average American spends over $100 per week on grocery store items. - ZOMG -...US population = 311,597,917 (2011)$478,000,000,000 / 311,597,917 people / 365 days * 7 days per week = $29.42 per person per week$100 - $29.42 = $78.50 per week on grocery store items other than groceries?

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How much monster does the average person drink?

a can a week

What is average income?

the average amount of money a person can get a week, month in 1900