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Platypuses lay between one and three eggs at a time, once a year.

Their reproductive years extend from around age two to at least the age of nine, but because the platypus is such a shy and reclusive creature, little research has been done into the extent of their reproductive years.

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14y ago

Platypuses lay between one and three eggs each breeding season.

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10y ago

The average number of offspring a platypus has is two. Females can lay from one to three eggs each breeding season.

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14y ago

Platypuses lay between one and three eggs each breeding season, which occurs once a year. They usually breed every year between the ages of two and nine.

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12y ago

Platypuses lay between one and three eggs at a time. This occurs once during each breeding season.

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How many young ones are delivered at a time for a platypus?

Platypuses lay eggs they don't deliver young.

What do mother platypuses feed their young?

Platypuses are mammals: therefore, mother platypuses, like all mammals, feed their young on mothers' milk.

What do platypuses feed their young?

Platypuses are mammals; therefore, like all other mammals, the mother feeds her young on mothers' milk. As the young platypuses grow, she introduces them to worms and larvae that she brings back from her creek or river dives.

When do platypuses have their young?

Platypuses have their young during the breeding season, which is Australia's spring and summer, from about September through to February, sometimes extending to March.

Why do male platypuses have babies?

Male platypuses do not have babies.Only the female can have young, and she does so by laying eggs. Platypuses are monotremes, or egg-laying mammals.

How long do platypuses look after their young?

Young platypuses stay with their mother for about four months (115-125 days). They are nursed for the first three months.

What platypuses are poisonous?

There is only one species of platypuses. It is not "poisonous", but adult males have venomous spurs on their ankles. Apart from several species of shrews and the Cuban solenodon, platypuses are the only venomous mammals.Female platypuses do not have venom, but they are born with spurs. These spurs fall off by the time the young female is about a year old.

How many platypuses are killed?

It is not known how many platypuses are killed each year, but it is not as many as there used to be. Platypuses are no longer hunted for their pelts, and fewer of them are drowned in fishing nets as laws have come into effect to help protect them more. Floodwaters kill platypuses - they are mammals, and must breathe air, and young or weak platypuses can quickly drown in fast-moving floodwaters.

Do baby platypuses drink their mother's milk?

Yes. Platypuses are mammals, and all female mammals - platypuses included - suckle their young on mother's milk. The only difference is that female platypuses do not have teats. The young must scoop up the milk which exudes into grooves in the mother's abdomen.

How does a platypus produce its young?

Platypuses are special mammals known as monotremes. This means they produce their young - or reproduce - by laying eggs, which hatch into young platypuses that initially feed off mothers' milk. Female platypuses lay eggs in a chamber at the end of a burrow dug into a riverbank or next to a creek.

When do platypuses mature?

Platypuses are fully mature at age two, which is when they reach reproductive age. However, young platypuses leave their mother between 14 and 18 months of age.

How many platypuses can be born in one pregnancy?

Platypuses do not have pregnancy. Although they are mammals, they are monotremes, which is the small group of mammals which lay eggs. Platypuses lay between one and three eggs at a time, once a year.