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Q: What is the average salary for 2nd round MLB draft pcik?
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Erm soul wars quick question you know how you pcik a team that you know is gana win rite well everytime i go in it it doesnt let me go on and i have join the team that loses the game how can?

You have to get in the winning team really quickly [ Get in Lobby ] - So you have more of a chance of getting in.

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you must first pass through the gates of the fiery endeldor. there, you will meet a friendly gnome by the name of john Henry carl. you shall pcik him up, and bite off his middle finger on his left hand, suck the blood. oh, and no, you cant.

How can one connect a file in Microsoft Excel to other Microsoft Excel file?

Copy what you want from one file and then go to the other file. In the Edit Menu, pcik Paste Special and then Paste Link. The data will be pasted into the other document, with a link back to the original one. Save and close both files. Any saved changes in the original one will update the data in the second file when it is opened.

Do Mercedes and riley get back together after she has the baby?

I doubt it, since she has the baby Riley finds it hard to connect with his baby or even brother. When the Actress playing Mercedes was asked whether Mercedes and Riley would reunite she said "I'd like them to but I don't fancy their chances"So taking that quotation into consideration. I don't think they will. There is a slim chance it's Riley's since she got the date wrong and Carl seems to connect with the baby better than Riley is. yes i agree but i really hope they do get together, however i saw that riley goes to pcik mercedes and the baby up and mercedes thinks that rileys giving her a second chance until he tells her to get out of the car in the middle of nowhere and leaves her and the baby lost and abandonned.

What a significant physical changes can be observed from early to late adulthood?

Some significant physical changes from early to late adulthood include graying and thinning of hair, wrinkling and sagging of skin, decreased muscle mass and strength, and a decline in vision and hearing. Additionally, individuals may experience changes in metabolism, bone density, and overall flexibility as they age.

What do you think would happen to your body if you had no bones?

Our body would be non functional and we would die if we had no other medical intervention that will keep us alive. The human body without bones is just like an semi-empty sack. Explanation: Our skeleton is a very rigid structure of bones which provides support for our muscles, skin and its task is also to protect our vital organs. Without the bone we would be unable to do anything, because our nerves, blood flow, lungs, organs would be blocked and squeezed.

How long does raw marinated fish last in the refrigerator?

A suprisingly difficult question, and I won't be able to conclude with a safe number either -- only a little science. The major factors that come into play in marinating fish are: * What kind of fish? Fat content is important. * Caught when and stored how, before you got it? * Contents and particularly pH of marinade. * The temp if your refrigerator. You want to keep the fish in a marinade as close to 38-42F as you can. Above 42F we start seeing microbial action (the 38F part is because your fridge is not always the same temp unless you never ever open it). In the 60F range we're into serious growth action -- except for.... pH. If the marinade is highly acidic (ceviche with a lot of lime), you get more leeway, as highly acidic environments aren't comfortable for the usual bacterial culprits. Salt is another mode. Malayans fermented fish with salt and buried the whole thing for months, and then ate it. Some died. Most didn't. Salt acts as a dessicant, and a teaspoon is all you need to flavor my rice and yours. Naturally, salt and acid works even better. Fat -- the more the worse. Shrimp are right around as bad as you can get. Only an hour or so at room temp internally and it's almost certainly infected. Hallibut, however, lasts a lot longer, as does Tilapia (which makes a miserable but safe fish to marinate). Tuna sushi cut in America is middle of the road. Toro (tuna belly) is fattier and more dangerous. Caught and stored is the hardest. So the best you can do it pcik it right at the fishmonger's. Nothing you buy should smell fishy. It should smell clean, like the ocean. It should be firm and not hold a fingerprint (deadly news) and it should respond from an indentation made with your finger (if it doesn't bad news). Any fish monger who won't let you smell, and touch with gloves on (they'll have some) -- don't deal with them. Now -- given a decent fish (not shellfish but maybe a halibut or tuna) and an acidic and a little salty marinade (think ceviche for a baseline) and a dead solid 40F fridge -- this might survive easily 3 days if covered. Sooner is of course better. Over 5 days you're seriously rolling the dice, even if all else is perfect.