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This information is not known. They lived 2.4 millions of years ago and no full skeleton has been found. They were one step above the ape and had started to use tools. Jaw bones have been found with tools.

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1mo ago

The average weight for a female Homo habilis is estimated to be around 33-55 pounds, based on fossil evidence and comparisons with other hominin species.

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The average lifespan of Homo habilis is estimated to be between 1.5 to 2.5 million years ago. This species is believed to have lived for around 1 million years.

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Back then Homo Hablis lived in kind of a rain Forest with caves and trees , So they liked to like in like forests and rain forests !Thank you for reading maybe someday some one will have a better answer !

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Homo habilis is estimated to have had an average height of around 4 feet 3 inches (130 cm) and an average weight of about 77 pounds (35 kg). These estimates are based on fossil evidence and comparisons with modern human relatives.

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We don't know what they were but we can only guess that they might have been a good outcome in hunting or the birth of a child.

What is the height of homo habilis?

The average male height of Homo habilis was about five feet tall and the female somewhat shorter, of course.

What was the height of a female homo erectus?

On average, female Homo erectus individuals were about 4.9 to 5.6 feet tall. However, there is some variation in height among different populations of Homo erectus.

What does homo hablis mean?

"Homo habilis" is a species of early hominins that lived approximately 2.4 to 1.4 million years ago in Africa. They are known for their use of stone tools and are considered one of the earliest ancestors of modern humans.

Did homo hablis cook their food?

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