

Best Answer
    • Write a topic sentence, which sets the tone and direction for the rest of the sentences in the paragraph to follow. "Tuesday's unfortunate incident mirrored several others my staff and I have observed since Steve joined our staff last September." However, if you're feeling creative and believe you can pull it off, write a teaser sentence that merely hints at the background information to come: "In retrospect, perhaps we should have known that Tuesday's incident was bound to happen eventually."

    • 2

      Write between three and five more sentences that build upon your topic sentence, choosing your words with care and precision and ensuring that your sentences are unified, cohesive and flow easily from one thought to the next. Whichever tack you choose, it is now incumbent on you to chronicle Steve's past errors and, perhaps, his reaction to them as well.

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      • 3
    • Strive for concrete if not descriptive and vivid language, but be careful to maintain a posture of confident objectivity. In other words, stick with supportable, credible facts. Double-check dates and other pertinent information that may be fact-checked by another source.

    • 4

      Read every sentence in the paragraph several times and then test it against the topic sentence. This is known as "the relevancy test." Every sentence should amplify, advance and build upon the topic sentence. If you cannot validate a sentence's purpose in your background paragraph, delete it.

    • 5

      Review every single word in the paragraph for its denotation as well as its connotation. Remember that even one poorly chosen or inaccurate word could jeopardize your credibility.

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Q: What is the background info in a paragraph?
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Well, first of all it's hard to write background information on toothpaste, because, like i said in my previous paragraph on bg info, background information is something that explains why it happened, not what happened.

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is there a totalyfree web site that lets you search background info?

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smoke it

What is a background color or pattern for the paragraph text is called .?


What is the HTML tag for a background?

There is no HTML tag for a background as such. You put in backgrounds by using the attributes of certain tags, depending what you want to put a background on and how you want to display the background. You can also use styles to do it. You can have a colour or an image as a background. The bgcolor attribute is used in a lot of different tags to put background colours on things. So if you wanted the background colour of your page to be red, then you would have the Body tag with the bgcolor attribute like this:If you wanted an image as the background to your page, you'd have:Using styles you can do more complicated things with backgrounds. For example, you can use a style to put a background on a paragraph in different ways:This paragraph will have your image as a background repeating horizontally.Your paragraph text goes hereThis paragraph will have your image as a background displaying only once.Your paragraph text goes hereThose are just 2 ways, but there are lots more, and they can be applied not just to paragraphs but to other structures like the body or a table or whatever you want.

What is the background color or pattern for the paragraph text?

The background color would be a hex number like #eeeeee or the title of the color like lightslateblue p{ background: #/name }

What does background information mean in science fair project?

Background info is basically an introduction to the project.

Where can you find background info on gum?

just forget it

What is heras background info?

she was zeus' wife sister .

What is the background color or pattern for the paragraph text called?

The background color would be a hex number like #eeeeee or the title of the color like lightslateblue p{ background: #/name }