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Since memory is a concept, a person first has to decide what philosophy he or she wants to apply. Is memory a remembered thing or is it a knowledge thing. I believe it is a learning skill and this means the skill to memorization is practicing the correct techniques. The first barrier to a high level memory is effort. The second memory barrier is desire. Once you have mastered the techniques of memory you will have total recall of anything you choose. Mastering something is the greatest barrier because it means a very high skill level that few people attain but many compromise. We walk without thinking. We breathe without thinking. So we must practice memory techniques until we no longer require active thought to remember something. Some techniques are, the link system, the number rhyme system, the major system and the roman room system.

They are used for different things and have been practiced for thousands of years and as a result there is a lot learn.

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Q: What is the barriers to effective learning?
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