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The base word of "different" is "differ." "Different" is derived from the word "differ" by adding the suffix "-ent" to it.

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Q: What is the base word of different?
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Does the word different have a base or root word?

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What is the homonym base?

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The base word of exchange is change. Change means to make the form, nature, or content of something or someone different from what it is.

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A "root" or "base" word is the original word that a different form came from. For example- the root/base word of wonderful is wonder; the root/base word of shakily is shake; the root/base word of tasty is taste.

Does base word and root word have the same meaning?

Yes, the base word is the main part of a word to which affixes can be added, while the root word is the simplest form of a word from which other words are derived. They may or may not have the same meaning, as the root word forms the core meaning of the word, while the base word serves as the foundation for adding prefixes or suffixes.

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What does the base word hetero mean?

The base word "hetero" means different or other. It is often used in words like heterosexual, meaning attracted to someone of a different gender, or heterogenous, meaning composed of different parts.

Is frowns a base word?

No, "frowns" is not a base word. The base word is "frown."

What is the base word in the word reporter?

The base word in the word reporter is report

Can a suffix make the base word different?

Yes, adding a suffix to a base word can change its meaning, grammatical category, or both. For example, adding "-ed" to the base word "play" changes it from a verb to a past tense verb, creating "played."