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Q: What is the basic 5 factors to make good garment quality products?
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Why does competition among producers result in lower prices and better product quality and customer service?

It is a matter of basic Economics. The more products available, the lower prices. Companies choose the prices to a point, and the more competition for business, the customers will choose the lowest prices for the same items. Competition also effects quality and service, since if the same products and services are offered, customers will use other factors like how they are treated or how long the product lasts.

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The price of a basic barcode printer can vary between $400 to $600 dollars depending on factors such as brand, quality, ability, hand held or larger physical, etc.

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Why does competition among producers result in lower prices and better product quality and customer service service?

It is a matter of basic economics. The more products available, the lower prices. Companies choose the prices to a point, and the more competition for business, the customers will choose the lowest prices for the same items. Competition also effects quality and service, since if the same products and services are offered, customers will use other factors like how they are treated or how long the product lasts.

Why does competition among producers result in lower prices better product quality and better customer service?

It is a matter of basic Economics. The more products available, the lower prices. Companies choose the prices to a point, and the more competition for business, the customers will choose the lowest prices for the same items. Competition also effects quality and service, since if the same products and services are offered, customers will use other factors like how they are treated or how long the product lasts.

Are cleaning products more likely to be acidic or basic?

Cleaning products can be both acidic and basic, depending on their purpose. Generally, acidic cleaners are effective for removing mineral deposits and rust, while basic (alkaline) cleaners are good for cutting through grease and grime. It's important to always read labels and follow instructions when using cleaning products to avoid damage or injury.

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The price range for these products vary wildly depending on quality. For a basic model you could go to walmart but for a better quality model you should check electronics specialists such as Maplins or even ebay.

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Basic human needs and quality of life are very closely related. If a person does not have basic necessities, like food and shelter, their quality of life will be extremely low. Conversely, having all of one's basic needs met results in a high quality of life.

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They sell basic waterproof digital cameras at Wal-Mart. You could also check with Best Buy or Radio Shack. The latter two probably have higher quality products.

What were the products they created used for?

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