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Q: What is the basic function of an outline?
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What are basic functions?

"Basic" means the bottom-line, the bare necessities, the essential starting point. "Functions" are how something works. So a basic function is the essential way that something works. For example, the basic function of the lungs is to collect oxygen and release carbon dioxide, although we use our lungs for other things such as making noises and blowing up balloons!

How do you get square root in Microsoft visual basic?

The function is Sqr() in VB6 and Math.Sqr() in .NET.

Define basic metabolic?

Basic Metabolic panel is a set of blood tests that measures your sugar (glucose) level, kidney function and the fluid balance.

What is the difference between friend function and normal member function?

We can access a Friend function from any other class in which friend function is introduced or declared even if the other class is not a member of first class. But when we use normal member function, we can have its access only in the derived classes of the first class. This is the basic difference between a friend function and a normal member function.

What is a basic structure of a c programming?

Basic structure of a C program is /* Documentation section */ /* Link section */ /* Definition section */ /* Global declaretion section */ /* Function section */ (return type) (function name) (arguments...) void main() { Declaration part Executable part (statements) } /* Sub-program section */ (return type) (function name 1) (arguments...) (return type) (function name 2) (arguments...) . . . (return type) (function name n) (arguments...) Basic structure of a C program is /* Documentation section */ /* Link section */ /* Definition section */ /* Global declaretion section */ /* Function section */ (return type) (function name) (arguments...) void main() { Declaration part Executable part (statements) } /* Sub-program section */ (return type) (function name 1) (arguments...) (return type) (function name 2) (arguments...) . . . (return type) (function name n) (arguments...)

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What is funci n for outline in ppt?

The function for outline in PPT is for intuition help. This can be used on Microsoft Power Point.

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The basic function of a transformer is to change voltage levels.

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the basic function of electricity is to develop energy.

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basic purpose and function of an independent laboratory

The max function is an example of what function?

It is a Basic Statistical Function.

The basic unit of structure and function in a living thing is a?

The cell is the basic unit of structure and function in a living thing.

Who developed the consumption function?

The consumption function was developed by John Maynard Keynes. The function was outline in his book titled 'The General Theory of Employment, Interest and Money'.

Outline the outline the basic steps in making protein?

the first step in making a protein is to copy one side of the segment of dna containing a gene. i think thats the answer!!

Are the basic unit of structure and function in living things?

Cells are the basic structure of living things, im not so sure about what you mean by basic function.

What is the difference between an outline and inline?

For the inline functions compiler just copies the function code in that place and when the size is too big it treats that function as ordinary function.

What are the basic of a plants?

The basic function of a plant is to grow and reproduce.

What is the Most basic function in the linear function family?
