

Best Answer

You think probable to the electron.

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Q: What is the basic unit of an element that can enter into chemical combination?
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The smallest particle of an element that can enter into chemical changes?


The smallest particle of an element which enter into chemical combination are called?

The smallest particle of an element that can enter into a chemical combination is an atom.Atoms are the building blocks of all matter and combine to form molecules through chemical bonds.

Is silver a solution?

No.Silver is a metal and a chemical element. It's commonly used to make coins. To see what it looks like enter the word silver in

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Matter that does not enter chemical reactions is described as inert. This type of matter cannot be altered by chemical reactions.

What is elements or compounds that enter into a chemical reaction?

A reactant or reactants enters into a chemical reaction to form product(s)

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Name can be entered in HTML using the input element with the type attribute set to "text" or "name". Here's an example code snippet: <input type="text" name="full_name">. This creates a text input field where users can enter their name.

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High concentrations of ethanol can cause the yeast population to enter the death phase by disrupting cellular functions and metabolic processes, ultimately leading to cell death.

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What is the smallest unit of matter that can enter chemical reactions and is nondivisible by chemical means?

An atom.

What chemical goes in a pool first?

The first chemical typically added to a pool is chlorine, which helps kill bacteria and algae. It is important to establish the proper chlorine levels before adding other chemicals.

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