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Q: What is the belief of ahimsa?
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What is the concept of ahimsa?

It is the Jainist belief of nonviolence. "A" negates "himsa", the Sanskrit world for violence. The concept behind ahimsa is the motive to stop reincarnation. By living a nonviolent lifestyle, Jains hope to escape the cycle and reach nirvana. To follow ahimsa, Jains are vegan and avoid harming all forms of life. Some Jains will not travel, for fear of crushing insects while walking.

What 5 belief structures can a Hindu have?

Unity of all things, ahimsa, many gods and goddesses who are different forms of one spirit, transmigration of souls, karma, and dharma

Is ahimsa the logical conclusion to both Hindu devotional and Hindu ascetic practices?

no, in Hinduism ahimsa was important in society. But in fields of war ahimsa was never applied.

What inspired Martin Luther King jr?

Ahimsa inspired Martin Luther King Jr. Ahimsa means nonviolence. Mohandas Gandhi was a nonviolent protester in India long ago. He practiced ahimsa while doing so. Ahimsa and Mohandas Gandhi had inspired Martin Luther Ling JR.

How does ahimsa ralate to other Hindu beliefs?

how does ahimsa relate to other hindu beliefs

What is the ahimsa?

Ahimsa: the act of nonviolence to all things. This is found in many religions but it was first discovered in Jainism.

Who practiced ahimsa?


How do you pronouce ahimsa?

Ahimsa is pronounced as "uh-him-suh."

Who said the slogan 'ahimsa paramo dharma'?

"Ahimsa Paramo Dharma" is a Sanskrit phrase that was popularized by Mahatma Gandhi.

What were Gandhi's belief's about love?

Gandhi believed in the power of love as a force for positive change in the world. He emphasized nonviolent resistance as a way to confront injustice and promote compassion and understanding. Gandhi's principle of "ahimsa," or nonviolence, reflected his deep belief in the transformative power of love over hate.

What kinds of things Hindus would or would not do in their lives to promote ahimsa?

Hindus are expected to practice ahimsa very camely