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This depends on things like the breed and character of the dog and the lifestyle needs of the owner. There are many tools online to help you consider the type of dog that matches your lifestyle.

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Q: What is the best environment for a dog?
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Why is a prairie the best environment for a prairie dog?

because there is soft ground.

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How is a dog adapted to its environment

What do you do if you have a dog?

take great care of the dog and make sure it has a safe environment because thats your new best friend :)

What is the best way to calm a new dog?

The best way to calm a new dog is to slowly introduce them to their environment. Allow them to explore at their own pace rather than forcing them.

At what age should your dog become a house dog?

The best pets are those that have always been "house dogs" and are raised in an environment where they are exposed to the family, the rules of the house, and new situations.

How long does it take for a hot dog to decompose?

A lot will depend on the conditions said hot dog is left in. In a cool, dry environment like a refrigerator - it could take months. In the hot environment like your front yard, it might take just days (if the rodents don't get to it first!) The best advice is to eat it before it starts the decomposition process.

What kind of a environment does a dog live in?

A dog lives in an environment that has a loving owner. If you are planning to get a dog, you have to make a commitment that you will feed your dog every day, provide it a place to sleep (on a dog bed or on YOUR bed or just on a comfy floor.) and give it plenty of exercise. A good way to test if your dog likes his environment or not is to give him plenty of love on his first day and do everything you would do for him any day. Then, at night, provide him a place to sleep. If he whines, he may be stressed or he just needs to adjust. If he sleeps through the night that means he will never forget his first day in his new home. Also, if you are doing your very, very best to provide your dog an environment and he STILL whines, give it about a week for the dog to adapt to his new surroundings. He may just be used to the animal shelter. I hope this answers your question, "what kind of environment does a dog live in?" PS. This was written by me, a little 12 year old kid!!!

Dog's best friend and firefighter's best friend?

Dog's best friend is a man Fire fighter's best friend is the water A dog's best friend is a dog.

Is a dog a community?

A single dog is not a community. Dogs are not part of the natural environment but wolves are.

What kind of environment does a dog need?

Environment needs vary based of the size, personality, and activity level of the dog. You can look at breed books or ask a vet or dog trainer for more specific information.

Is it ok to put dog waste in the trash?

Don't put dog waste in the trash. There are various dog removal service providers available who can properly dispose of the dog waste in a defined area. It will not create any pollution or spread any harmful particles in the environment. Likewise, we have Doo Care, Dog waste removal services offering best waste scooper services in Chicago. Hire them for best services.

Why is it fun taking your dog to the dog to the dog park?

So they can interact with other dogs in a dog-friendly environment.