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Lining a burrow with silk has several advantages. Which one is the most important may depend on other factors, such as the weather.

In soil that is very stable and unlikely to cave in, burrow linings are probably most important for helping the spider get a good grip as it moves in its burrow, and for giving the spider a good place to hang its egg sac after it has laid a clutch of eggs.

In soil that is sandy or in soil that gets shifty when wet, the biggest advantage to the spider is that the webbing helps keep the tunnel from caving in.

Trapdoor Spiders sometimes get attacked by wasps or other animals that try to pull their door open. The spider grabs her side of the silk-covered door with her fangs and hangs on tightly to the burrow wall with her eight feet. Without a burrow lining to give the spider's claws a good grip, it would be very much easier to pull her out.

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Spiders use their silk for making webs of course! They also use silk to wrap around their prey.

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Why do spiders get inside your house?

There are many causes for spider infestations, but the main reason is rain, it is deadly to spiders and they will search for the best cover.

Is a spider with a yellow dot posenous?

It may be dangerous but more than likely it is not. It is best to find a spider identification chart and compare the spider to the various types. If you are bitten by a spider and you have symptoms you should call 911 or go to the emergency room. It is better to be safe than sorry.

What type of spiders live in Vermont?

Some types of spiders that live in Vermont are the Wolf spider, the Black Widow, and the Comb-footed spider. Most spiders are not poisonous but it is best to leave a spider alone if a person is not able to identify it.

What kind of spider has a black body and a dot of red on its abdomen?

It may be a Black Widow spider. They are very poisonous and it is probably best not to approach it if you are unsure of the species. Black spiders have a distinctive red "hourglass" shape on its back.

How HIGH can the best jumping spider jump How FAR can the best jumping spider jump?

Jumping spiders can jump horizontally about 25 times their body length. The average jumping spider is about 10mm or less, so that's really not that far (about one foot). That distance is only achieved when they are fleeing something, though. Most regular, non-pressured jumps are just a few centimeters in distance. (source: Biology of Spiders by Rainer Foelix)I'm not sure how high they can jump, though. Can't be that high...

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