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Q: What is the best soil that fig trees grow in best?
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What pH level in soil needed for fig tree?

I'm suspecting commercial figs are grown in a around neutral to alkaline.GH.

What is the most common rainforest plant?

If you consider only the larger animals, Birds.However insects, worms, spiders outnumber birds by a wide margin.Even smaller would get you into the nematodes and near microscopic critters which would be even more numerous.Bacteria (still animals even if very small) would be the most populous.the most common animal in the rainforest is insects and monkeys.I blah blah blah blah blah

List of rainforest plants?

The Epiphytes: Epiphytes include orchids, bromeliads, lichens, mosses and ferns that grow on high branches of trees forming the canopy layer. These are non parasitic plants that derive moisture and nutrients from the air and use their roots merely for support.The Lianas: These are woody vines that grow up the trunk of other trees and reach up in between the upper canopy layer where there is some gap so that they can get some sunlight. These woody wines also bear fruits and flowers.The Stranglers: Also known as the killer trees in Spanish, the stranglers begin their life like epiphytes. The seeds are brought to the host tree by the birds. Then, the stranglers spread their roots on the ground where the host tree stands. As they grow, they suffocate and kill the host tree. The result is that an erect strangler is left with a hollow core. Stranglers are the members of the fig family.Carnivorous Plants: Many of the tropical rainforest plants derive nutrition from other animals. These have a central cavity filled with nectar that attract insects. Once the insects enter the cavity, the downward pointing bristles prevent them from moving out. These plants usually have a lid or flap that close the opening to the cavity. The insect that is trapped inside is then, digested with the help of digestive juices released by the plant. Common carnivorous tropical rainforest plants are the rafflesia, pitcher plant and venus fly trap. Read more on facts about venus fly trap.

What is the density of bitumen at different temperature ranges?

See: Properties of Oil Sands and Bitumen in Athabasca 2006 Fig 7

What type of trees are there in the rainforest?

This depends largely on the continent on which the rainforests are located, and the climate zone. plants in the tropical rainforest are very different from plants in the cool temperate rainforest, for example. Some common rainforest plants are: * Ceiba * Cecropia * Kapok * Strangler Fig * Teak * Twin Kauri * Giant Red Cedar * Curtain Fig * Cathedral Fig In some areas of the world, bamboo is a common rainforest plant, though it is not a tree, but the world's largest grass. Other smaller plants which are not trees include ferns, mosses, fungus and lichen, epiphytes such as orchids, bromeliads and various species of vines such as lianas.