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clean it

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Q: What is the best solution to removing vomit smell from carpet?
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Related questions

Why does papaya smell like vomit?

Because vomit smells like papaya.

HOW can you get bad red vomit stains out of light carpet?

in cleaning

Can you make a sentence with the word vomit?

The smell of the vomit cleared the room. They had to clean it up quickly to avoid vomit stains.

Why do you smell like VOMIT when you sweat?


How do you get smell of dog vomit out of th carpet?

Use Nature's Miracle, PetZyme, Odor-B-Gon, or any other enzyme-based cleaner. These are sold in PetSmart and most supermarkets. Make sure to carefully follow the directions.

If someone got sick in a fake vomit factory how would anyone know?

They would probably know by the smell. Fake vomit does not smell, even if it does smell, it's not as bad as the really stuff. Ewww.... Ya the fake vomit would probably smell like rubber, while the other one smells just plain nasty. ya what the other person said. ewww.

What does Taro smell like?

disinfectant and kid's vomit mixed together

How do you get rid of that vomit smell?

Bleach or vinegar would probably work.

Can human vomit smell and taste like aniseed?

It will probably smell and taste like anything the person ate.

What does human vomit smell like?

Human vomit smells something like chunky food that is digsted, and thrown up again.

How do you avoid vomit when in pragnent stage?

Cut a fresh lemon in half and have the juice drop by drop and smell its skin to avoid vomit.

What does Justin Bieber smell of?

Something disgusting like poo or vomit, he looks disgusting so he must smell disgusting.