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The biggest species of poison dart frog is Phyllobates terribilis, at up to 3 inches long.

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12y ago

The Yellow Poison Dart Frog (aka the Golden Poison Frog).

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The Golden Poison Dart frog

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P. terribilis

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a dinosaur

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Q: What is the biggest poison dart frog?
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What is the marking of the blue poison dart frog?

what is the marking of the poison dart frog

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What kind of poison does a poison dart frog shoot out?

No poison dart frog shoots it poison. They ooze if from their skin. The type of poison depends on the species of frog.

How does a poison dart frog obtain its materials?

a poison dart frog obtains its materials by eating it

When was Strawberry poison-dart frog created?

Strawberry poison-dart frog was created in 1857.

Which poison dart frogs are endangered?

the most endangered frog is the blue poison dart frog!!!

How did the poison dart frog get its name?

because of their skin they got the name "poison dart frog"

What is a Red poison dart frog?

A red poison dart frog, or any poison dart frog is a species of frog that has a highly toxic fluid in its skin that can poison an animal simply by touching it. The cyanide from the frog transfers to the skin of an animal and into its pores.

Can you eat the poison dart frog?

NO. You cannot eat a poison dart frog. IT IS POISONOUS and if you eat it you will DIE.

Does poison dart frog hibernate in winter?

Yes it does because it is a frog

When was Yellow-banded poison dart frog created?

Yellow-banded poison dart frog was created in 1864.

Are poison dart frogs related to poison arrow frogs?

yes they are exactly the same, the poison arrow frog is also called a poison dart frog