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The Bay of Fundy

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Q: What is the body of water with the highest tides?
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Canada home of the world's highest tides?

The world's highest tides occur in the Bay of Fundy, which is the body of water between the Canadian provinces of New Brunswick and Nova Scotia.

What causes the highest tides?

New Moon causes the highest tides, as then the gravity effect of both Sun and Moon add together to attract the oceanic water. Full Moons cause the next highest tides.

The highest tides are called?

The highest tides are called

When do high tides come about?

High tides occur when the water is at its highest. Tides are caused by the combined effects of the rotation of the earth and the gravitational forces of the sun and the moon.

Are tides at their highest during neap tides?

No Neap tides are when the sun,earth, and moon form a right angle. This makes the the water on earth be pulled towards the sun and the moon. causing the tides to be very low. Spring tides are when tides are the highest because the earth,sun,and moon are in a line,causing very high tides.

When does the highest tide occur?

Tides are at their highest during the spring. This is because the sun and the moon are opposite of each other and they are both pulling on the water causing the tides to be higher.

Are there any oceans or seas that are tideless meaning no low or high tides or both?

In short: no. Tides are the result of the moon's gravitational pull on the earth. It pulls equally on everything, but the water can move and so it moves in the direction of the pull. Tides will be more noticeable in some places than others, though. In small bodies of water the tides are hardly noticeable. The highest tides in the world are at the Bay of Fundy, where the shape of the body of water (probably) contributes to the high tides. In other places the tidal range is almost zero. This is called an amphidromic point. Similarly, in these places, the shape of the body of water and the flow of the currents nearly zeros out the tidal effect.

What phase of the moon the highest and lowest tides on earth?

New and full moons produce the highest and lowest tides. These are called spring tides

Are tides lower at new moon?

NO. This is when the tides are some of the highest.

What is the term for the lowest and highest tides on earth?

Spring tides

When are tides there highest?

Spring tides have the greatest tidal range.

Tides have which energy into them?

Tides contain the kinetic energy of a body of water which is charged by the gravitic attraction between the moon and the oceans.