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It is called emulsification.

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Q: What is the breakdown of large fat globules?
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Does bile breakdown globules of fat into tiny droplets?

compresses and emulsifies (breaks down) it.

The process of breaking down large droplets of fat into small droplets of fat is called?

Homogenisation Right answer is Bile Emulsification that causes breakdown of f at globules.

What is the procees in which large fat globules are broken into smaller fat droplets?


Process of breaking up large fat globules?


Where are large fat droplets turned into small fat droplets?

In a homogenizer. Homogenized milk has its big fat globules broken up into smaller globules that are less likely to clump up and form a layer of fat on top of your mik.

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What is the Medical term meaning breakdown of muscle?

Lipolysis, ketogenesis, lipoclasis, and lipodieresis all refer to breakdown of fats.Fat oxidationhydrolysis......maybelipolysis

What is fat globules in stool?

It is droplets of fat contained in the stool. A fecal fat test shows how many fat globules are in the stool.

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What breaks down fats into globules?

Bile is the chemical which breaks up large fat globules into smaller droplets. It doesn't digest the lipid molecules; it just increases the surface area to aid enzymes in the small intestine.

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What are adipose cells?

Adipose is specialized to produce and contain large globules of fat. It is usually located just below the skin, between the muscles and intestines.