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i think the cause of plastic anemia is the lack of red cell in the bone marrow

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Nita Nash

Lvl 6
3y ago

Caused by damage to bone marrow. The body can't produce enough blood cells.

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Q: Explain why excessive bleeding occurs with a plastic anemia?
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Normocytic anemia (normal MCV) can be caused by kidney and liver disease, bone marrow disorders, or excessive bleeding or hemolysis of the red blood cells.

What is plastic anemia?

Its not plastic anemia , its aplastic anemia, defect in the bone marrow to form blood cells.

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Yes it will because it a blood thinner also it makes your period more heavier

How many types of anemia are here?

There are several types of anemia. The term means without blood. It could be caused by excessive bleeding or damage to the bone marrow. Anemia is one of the most common disorders of the blood. It can be due to excessive blood loss or hemorrhage. Or deficient red blood cell production. Anemia can be classified in several ways: macrocytic anemia, normocytic anemia, microcytic anemia. Some of the more familiar ones are: pernicious anemia due to lack or low B12, iron deficiency anemia due to lack of iron, thalassemia, lead toxicity anemia, hypothyroidism, aplastic anemia, sickle cell anemia, Rh disease, and renal infection among others.

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Anemia is reduced hemoglobin in blood. One cause of anemia is blood loss. Bleeding is called hemorrhagia. Anemia caused by blood loss is hemorrhagic anemia.

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Signs of pernicious anemia include weakness, sore tongue, bleeding gums, and tingling in the extremities

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The anemiacondition which is result of hemorrhage

Where did anemia originate?

Anemia can have a number of causes, including inadequate production, excess destruction, or excessive loss of RBCs. It is found throughout the world.

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Patients with dysfunctional or abnormal uterine bleeding may be prescribed iron supplements to treat anemia. Naproxen sodium (Aleve) reduces excessive blood loss. Oral contraceptives are often prescribed

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What is the difference between anemia and hemophilia?

Anemia is a generic term referring to "inadequate oxygen capacity in the blood"; anemia can be caused by anything from excessive blood loss to parasites on the red blood cells to inadequate red blood cell formation in the bone marrow. Hemophilia is a more specific term referring to "inadequate blood clotting capacity"; there are multiple types of hemophilia but they are all bleeding disorders. It is very common for people with hemophilia to develop anemia. However, very few people who have anemia also have hemophilia.