

What is the cause of algal bloom?

Updated: 9/18/2023
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12y ago

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Extra good growing conditions for that species of alga. Optimal water temperatures, salinity, light, for example.

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Q: What is the cause of algal bloom?
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What can happen after a lake receives a large amount of limiting nutrients?

an algal bloom.

What is unnatural related to humans about an algal bloom?

Some of the algae that makes up an algal bloom can be toxic. This would probably be the main difference between an algal bloom and humans. Hope this helps!

Phosphates and nitrates entering a lake can cause an explosive growth of algae called?

An "algal bloom".

What causes algal bloom?

Algal Blooms are caused by over fertilization, runoff.

What is bloom growth?

There is an article on algal bloom in Wikipedia which is very comprehensive. Bloom that is not of a floral nature usually refers to algal bloom which occurs in acquatic environments where the oxygen levels are depleted.

An overpopulation of saltwater algae is called a?

An algal bloom.

Can humans cause algal bloom in a lake?

Yes. But generally inadvertently, or by accident. There is another class of causation - the willfully ignorant who refuse to accept responsibility for their actions. An excess of phosphate or nitrogen may cause an algal bloom - an overproduction of algae. This algal mat will block light from the water body, and when it eventually dies, it will create an anoxic mat on the lake floor.

What human activity might cause an algal bloom in the lake?

rivers and run- off from farmers fields bring extra nutrients into a lake allow increased growth of algae in the water. The result is a population explosion of algae called an algal bloom

Red sea is named after the algal bloom of what?


Why is phosphorus bad in detergent?

algal bloom will be resulted

What problems can algal bloom cause in a lake?

Oxygen Depletion, resulting in a severe drop in some fish species and general unpleasantness

What impact if any would an algal bloom be likely to have on its ecosystem?

anal bloom? ask your doctor.