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a zygote

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Q: What is the cell that forms after fertilization?
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Related questions

What is a cell formed through fertilization of an egg by a sperm?

The process is known as fertilisation.

What is the process of the joining of a Sperm and egg cell?

The joining of an egg cell and a sperm cell is called fertilization

What cell forms when and egg and sperm join?

This cell is called a zygote.

When a male sex cell joins with a female sex cell what is it called?

Fertilization is the joining of egg cell and sperm. It typically happens in the fallopian tubes.

Which process forms a zygote?

The process that forms a zygote is called fertilization.

When sperm joins with an egg the process is called?

Fertilisation is when the sperm cell and the ova fuse together to form a zygote.

Place these in order Placenta forms Zygote divides Fertilization occurs Gastrulation begins Heart forms?

fertilization zygote divides gastrulation placenta forms

What do you call when the sperm and ovum join together and form a single cell?

Faulty Condom? ---------------------------------------------------------------- I don't really want to delete an answer so..... It's called a zygote.

Does fertlisation happen inside the womb?

it doesn't happen in the womb it happens in the oviduct/fallopian tube. Fertilization happens when a haploid sperm cell fuses with a haploid egg cell and forms a diploid zygote cell

What process by which the egg cell and sperm cell unite during sexual reproduction?

No. Fertilization is the joining of an egg and sperm.

What the uniting of a sperm cell with an egg cell?


What is the uniting of an ovum and sperm cell?

The uniting of an egg and sperm cell is called unification