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Survival rate of Stage IV is much lower chance of surviving. Cancer survival rates refer to the percentage of patients affected with certain form of cancer. The survival rate of colon cancer patients five years. In this stage may be depend on different factors, whether the cancer has been spread overall his organs, or certain parts. As I mentioned above the survival rate is stated as the percentage of the patients who will probably live up to 5years after diagnosis on research on patients with the same type and stage of cancer.

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13y ago

The chances of living with a Stage IV diagnosis are better now than ever. When you find the right treatment for your type you can shrink tumors and take meds and monitor your condition like any other chronic disease. Lots of people are living with late stage lung cancer and managing it and living good lives. Some are suffering more from the side effects of their medications than from their disease. Some will live a decade and some a few months. Everyone has to live one day at a time.

Since the mapping of the human genome the treatments and approaches to lung cancer have changed dramatically! The most recent statistics are obsolete. Depending on your age and overall health you can very probably live five years where past statistics said only one. And during that five years it is realistic to expect that new treatments and trials will be made available and could cure you.

Dont give up hope!

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13y ago

Lung cancer can be already at stage 4 when it is discovered.

Lung cancer sometimes spreads very rapidly. It is called stage 4 when tumor cells are present in the chest and in other parts of the body.

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13y ago

Cancer statistics often use an overall five-year survival rate. For instance, the overall five-year survival rate for prostate cancer is 98 percent. That means that of all men diagnosed with prostate cancer, 98 of every 100 were living five years after diagnosis. Conversely, two out of every 100 died of prostate cancer within five years.

Cancer survival rates are based on research that comes from information gathered on hundreds or thousands of people with cancer. An overall survival rate includes people of all ages and health conditions diagnosed with your cancer, including those diagnosed very early and those diagnosed very late.

Overall survival rates don't specify whether cancer survivors are still undergoing treatment at five years or if they've become cancer-free (achieved remission). Other types of survival rates that give more specific information include:

  • Disease-free survival rate. This is the number of people with cancer who achieve remission. That means they no longer have signs of cancer in their bodies.
  • Progression-free survival rate. This is the number of people who still have cancer, but their disease isn't progressing. This includes people who may have had some success with treatment, but their cancer hasn't disappeared completely.
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15y ago

A whole lot better than they used to be. But much still depends on exactly where the tumors are, how big they are, and so on. Averages won't tell you as much as your doctor can.

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Q: What is the chances of living with a stage 4 lung cancer?
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There is no way to treat lung cancer with absolute certainty. In order to answer the question, I would have to know the stage in which the lung cancer has progressed.

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Smoking does not necessarily cause lung cancer. It does however, increase the chances of getting it. There is no safe minimum, or maximum. To reduce your chances of lung cancer do not smoke at all.

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The life expectancy with someone with carcinoid lung cancer depends on the stage of the cancer. For people with stage 1, the life expectancy is 93%. For people with stage 5, the life expectancy is 57%.

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Smoking does not cause lung cancer. Though it can create an environment that increases your chances of getting lung cancer as well as many other ailments and conditions.

How can you lessen your chances of gettin cancer?

For most types of cancer there is no prevention except for HPV, Lung, and Skin. To lessen your chances of getting skin cancer wear sunscreen and do not go into tanning booths. To Lessen your chances of lung cancer, quit smoking or do not smoke, and to lessen your chances of getting HPV, get the HPV/Gardasil vaccine which I highly recommend. There are three doses. Here's the link:

Can someone die really suddenly from stage 4 lung cancer?

Sudden death can unfortunately occur at any stage of lung cancer. Staging depends on how far from the original site the cancer has spread. Basically: Stage 1 is confined to the area of the lung where the cancer started. Stage 2 means that it has spread to the lymph nodes but still near the original source. Stage 3 means it has spread to the chest wall or to the other lung Stage 4 means that it has spread to another part of the body. Any stage can be lethal, but death can occur more quickly the more advanced the stage. This is due to the fact the cancer can shut down other organs besides the lungs.

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Treatment for lung cancer depends upon a variety of factors. The most important factors are the histopathologic (diseased tissue) type of lung cancer and the stage of the cancer. Once the stage of the lung cancer has been determined, the oncology team and the patient work together to develop a treatment plan. It is important for lung cancer patients to discuss the value of different forms of therapy with their oncologist. Other factors that affect lung cancer treatment include the patient's general health, medical conditions that can affect treatment (such as chemotherapy), and tumor characteristics.

You have 20 pack years or less and quit a year ago what are your chances of getting lung cancer?

the same chances as a non-smoker, because the probability of getting lung cancer only increases if you've more than 20 pack years

Can you get lung cancer by a hooka?

It's still tabacco, so yes, it may increase your chances.

What is the life expectency of small cell lung cancer stage 4?

The life expectancy of small cell lung cancer stage four is 2-4 months without treatment. With treatment, the life expectancy increases to 6-12 months.