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MZ.SIMON11: (COPY PASTE) lamang po.

a. bipolar - with a negative and positive pole: pleasant, painful, easy, difficult, strong, weak, rich, poor, one is prefered.

b. homogeneous - the reason why the construction of a complete scale of values is very difficult.

c. transcend facts - in sense ha nothing ever wholly comes up to or expectations.

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Kindness, politeness, clever, intelligent, hardworking.

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Q: What is the characteristic of values education?
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What is the values education?

The term "values education" refers to the education of children about the values which are set forth as being a solid standard for living one's life by.

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The term "values education" refers to the education of children about the values which are set forth as being a solid standard for living one's life by.

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The term "values education" refers to the education of children about the values which are set forth as being a solid standard for living one's life by.

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