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Q: What is the clear and bright festival about?
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How tall is Kahea Bright?

Kahea Bright's birth name is Kahea Olani Bright.

When was Dora Bright born?

Dora Bright was born in 1862.

When was Phoebe Bright created?

Phoebe Bright was created in 1991.

When was Bright Sheng born?

Bright Sheng was born in 1955.

When was Lauren Bright born?

Lauren Bright was born in 1968.

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Bright Morning - 2012 was released on: USA: 28 February 2012 (FREEPLAY Festival)

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A Bright Past - 2008 was released on: USA: 10 April 2008 (SONscreen Film Festival)

What does the name clarisa mean?

It means clear, bright, and famous

What does the name Clara mean in English?

"Clear" or "bright" or "light".

What is the definition of Claire?

from the Latin 'clarus' meaning 'bright and clear'

What is the meaning of the name clarisse mean?

Clear, bright, famous.

What do you mean by vidit?

If you mean vivid: It means clear and bright.

Is vivid a verb?

No, it is an adjective. It can mean clear, distinct, or bright.