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A healthy lion or cat should have white or pale cream-coloured teeth. Older individuals can be seen with yellowish teeth. For a house cat, its dental health usually depends on its genes (some cats will have perfect teeth all their lives whereas some cats are naturally prone to dental problems even if their teeth are looked after), and what they are fed. Neither wet nor dry food offer any tooth-cleaning benefits, but there are several ways to help keep a cat's teeth clean - the most common are brushing a cat's teeth every day, or feeding raw meat (usually chicken wings, necks or ribs). Both these methods rub the teeth, keeping them free of plaque.

Yellowing or brown teeth or red gums is a sign of plaque buildup which could lead to other dental problems and should be looked at by a vet.

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Q: What is the color of a lion's teeth and a regular cat's teeth?
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