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The sky appears blue to a pilot flying an airplane due to the scattering of sunlight by molecules and particles in the Earth's atmosphere. This phenomenon, known as Rayleigh scattering, causes shorter wavelengths of light, such as blue and violet, to be scattered more, making the sky appear blue to our eyes.

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Q: What is the colour of the sky to a pilot flying an aeroplane?
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What type of motion does a bird flying in the sky have?

A bird flying in the sky demonstrates translational motion as it moves in a straight line through the air. Additionally, the wing flapping creates rotational motion as the bird turns and changes direction in flight.

What type of mechanical energy does an airplane when flying through the sky?

When an airplane is flying through the sky, it primarily possesses both kinetic energy due to its motion and potential energy based on its height above the ground. Kinetic energy is associated with the plane's movement, while potential energy is linked to its position in the Earth's gravitational field.

What kind of force is applied when the plane is flying through the sky?

When a plane is flying through the sky, the main forces acting on it are lift, weight (gravity), thrust, and drag. Lift is produced by the wings to counteract the force of gravity (weight), while thrust from the engines propels the plane forward. Drag is the resistance the plane encounters as it moves through the air.

What will be the colour of sky if there is no atmosphere in the earth?

The sky would appear black if there was no atmosphere on Earth. Without an atmosphere, there would be no particles to scatter sunlight, resulting in the absence of a blue sky. Instead, we would see the vast darkness of space during the day.

What happens if the blades stop spinning on a helicopter when it is in the sky?

If the blades stop spinning on a helicopter while it is in the sky, the helicopter will enter a state known as autorotation. The helicopter will start to descend as the unpowered rotor blades rotate due to the upward flow of air. The pilot must carefully manage the descent and attempt to safely land the helicopter.

Related questions

Who guides helicopter and aeroplane moving in sky?

The pilot.

What is the colour of the sky to a pilot?


Why is that when aeroplane is flying in the sky you cannot see another plane?

You can, if in reasonable distance, with the right weather conditions.

Can an aeroplane stand in the sky?

I think it can

What does altitud?

Altitude shows the height from earth. when Aeroplanes flying in the sky, Pilot announces we are flying at an altitude of 30,000 feet.Altitude is your height above sea level.

What does altitude mean?

Altitude shows the height from earth. when Aeroplanes flying in the sky, Pilot announces we are flying at an altitude of 30,000 feet.Altitude is your height above sea level.

1957 john Wayne movie something pilot?

Jet Pilot Without Reservations Flying Leathernecks Island in the Sky Central Airport Reunion in France Flying Tigers the Three Musketeers Shadow of the Eagle Hurricane Express The High and the Mighty

What to do after 12th with PCM 60 percent?

You will become a pilot.......... You know in a sky a pilot is For become a uniqe n gud pilot join Pioneer Flying Academy.... For more information log on to its website.....

What is the duration of The Sky Pilot?

The duration of The Sky Pilot is 1.28 hours.

How does volcanic ash effect the engines in a flying airplane?

The pieces of dust could clog up the tubes in the engine and stop it working. No engine, no flight. The aeroplane will just fall out of the sky.

Can aeroplane stay in the sky without movement?

Depends on what you compare it to. An airplane has to move in relation to the air to stay flying, but it doesn't really care about what the ground is doing. If it's windy enough you can point a slow-flying airplane into the wind and remain flying while not moving in relation to the ground.

When was The Sky Pilot created?

The Sky Pilot was created on 1921-04-17.