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Q: What is the concept of divide and rule?
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Who practiced divide and rule?

Dividing an area for political purpose and rule it properly is called "Divide and rule". This concept is taken first from the Jews to Muslim. This principle is used in Bangla precedence during the time of British rule in India subcontinent.

What were the salami tactics?

Divide and conquer also known as divide and rule were the tactics that Salami used. The Salami tactics were divide and rule or rather divide conquer.

What type of colonial rule did British have on India?

divide and rule

8000,4000,2000,1000,500, , Rule?

divide by 2

what is the rule of math?

The first rule of math is to add, subtract, multiply, and divide.

What agreement is implied in the concept of majority rule?

the largest minority will make the rule if there is no majority

Rule of the people is the basis of the concept of?

democracy. It refers to a system of government where power is vested in the hands of the people, either directly or through elected representatives. This concept emphasizes the importance of citizens participating in decision-making processes and having influence over the government's actions.

Who adoted the strategy of divide and rule?

Lord curzon

What is the Great Depression in kid term?

divide and rule

How can you divide by 0?

You cannot, it is a fundamental rule of math.

Who was adopted The strategy of Divide and Rule?

lord curzon

Who first used the term divide and rule in context to British rule in India?

Robert Clive