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2mo ago

The condensation point of oxygen is -182.96°C. At this temperature, oxygen gas transforms into liquid oxygen.

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Condensation point of oxygen?

The condensation point of oxygen is -182.96 degrees Celsius. At this temperature, oxygen gas condenses into a liquid state.

What is the condensation point of sufur?

The condensation point of sulfur is 444,6 oC.

How is dew point different from condensation?

the realationship between condensation and dew point is that condensation occurs when it reaches the dew point.

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The condensation point of francium is estimated to be at 677 0C.

Is condensation of oxygen gas a homogeneous mixture or heterogeneous mixture?

Neither. The condensation of oxygen gas is a phase change. The oxygen itself would be an element, not a mixture.

What is the condensation point for gas?

The condensation point for a gas is the temperature at which the gas changes into its liquid state through the process of condensation. It is the reverse of the boiling point, where a liquid changes into its gas state.

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The condensation point of steam is when it changes from a gas to a liquid at 100 degrees Celsius.

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Is a condensation point the same as a melting point?

No, a condensation point is the temperature at which a substance changes from a gas to a liquid, while a melting point is the temperature at which a solid changes to a liquid.

What is the same as condensation point?

boiling point

What is the condensation point of silver?

The condensation point of silver is 2,162 degrees Celsius, which is the temperature at which silver changes from a gas to a liquid.

Which gas condenses faster argon or oxygen or nitrogen?

Oxygen condenses faster than argon and nitrogen. This is because oxygen has a higher boiling point (-183°C) compared to argon (-186°C) and nitrogen (-196°C), which means it needs less cooling to reach the condensation point.