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Q: What is the connotation of this phrase muddied the waters?
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What is a positive and negative Connotation for the denotation for the phrase to discuss with others?

Positive connotation: "Engaging in a lively exchange of ideas in a collaborative manner." Negative connotation: "Gossiping or spreading rumors in a negative or unproductive way."

What is determined a positive or negative connotation?

A positive connotation is a favorable association or emotion attached to a word or phrase, while a negative connotation is an unfavorable association or emotion. Connotations can be influenced by cultural, social, and personal experiences.

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What is the past tense of the word connotation?

The past tense of the word "connotation" is "connotated." It means to have assigned or associated a particular meaning to a word or phrase.

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'Jaa, mata ne!' is an appropriate phrase that carries that connotation.

From what phrase was the name Bahamas modified?

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What is 'shining waters' when translated from English to Italian?

Acque lucenti is an Italian equivalent of the English phrase "shining waters." The feminine plural phrase also translates as "sparkling waters" according to English context. The pronunciation will be "A-kwe loo-TCHEN-tee" in Pisan Italian.