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10 feet

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Q: What is the correct feet if the run is 10feet and your set is 10feet also?
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Which is correct is ran or is run?

"Is run" is correct. "Is ran" is not grammatically correct.

What is the correct procedure to run a public meeting?

The correct way to run a public meeting is to first decide a destination. You must also have a facilitator for the meeting.

Why do dogs have 4 feet?

dogs have 4 feet to balance their weight. dogs also need to run with 4 feet it would be possible with 3 feet but very difficult.

Which is correct the process will be ran or the process will be run?

The correct phrasing is "the process will be run." In this case, "run" is the past participle form of the verb and is used to form the passive voice in the future tense.

How many feet do you have to run if you hit a home run?

360 feet

Is it had ran or had run?

Had run is correct.

What is the procedure to run a public meeting?

The correct way to run a public meeting is to first decide a destination. You must also have a facilitator for the meeting.

Is Would of run or would have run correct grammar?

"Would have run" is correct grammar. "Would of run" is a common error known as a homophonic mistake, where "of" is mistakenly used instead of "have."

Which animal can not running?

Elephants can not run, as they keep at least one foot on the ground at all times. Animals with no feet such as snakes and worms can also not run as they have no legs to run with, and fish can't run as they also have no legs and spend no time on land.

What is correct he kept wanting to run or he kept wanted to run?

The first one: "He kept wanting to run" is correct.

Which is correct have run or have ran?

Have run is the correct present perfect tense. Perfect tenses are created with past participles, and the past participle of run is run.

If you ran a marathon which is 2.62 miles how many feet will you have run?

You will have run 13,833.6 feet.