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The correct occupation title for a person who withdraws blood is a phlebotomist.

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What are the occupation of blood vessel?

To transport blood.

What are the social ramifications of people with Wilson's disease?

Due to an accumulation of copper in the blood and tissues, the person may eventually exhibit a darker or bluish discoloration to the skin. This could result in social isolation as the person withdraws from scrutiny by the public or friends.

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The patients body withdraws the blood into the centre of the body for the vital organs - away from the skin - which makes the skin look pale.

What is the name of a person that withdraws blood?

In some hospitals there is a team of phlebotomist, whose main function is to draw blood specimen from indoor and outdoor patient. A phlebotomist draws blood from either inpatients or outpatients. If you are an inpatient, you can have blood drawn by either a nurse, a Medical laboratory assistant(also called Medical Laboratory technician in the US), or an Medical Laboratory technologist. These people all have additional training other than just drawing blood. A phlebotomist is only trained in drawing blood, not other tasks.

How do you spell lukemia?

The correct spelling is leukemia (blood disease).

What blood type can A positive receive?

A person with type A blood can donate blood to a person with type A or type AB. A person with type B blood can donate blood to a person with type B or type AB. A person with type AB blood can donate blood to a person with type AB only. A person with type O blood can donate to anyone. A person with type A blood can receive blood from a person with type A or type O. A person with type B blood can receive blood from a person with type B or type O. A person with type AB blood can receive blood from anyone. A person with type O blood can receive blood from a person with type O. hope this helps, #JC#

Is glucose a blood sugar?

Correct, glucose is a blood sugar.

Which is correct to say there was blood and evidence in the room or there were blood and evidence in the room?

The correct term to use is " there was blood evidence found in the room" if more than one source of evidence i found then the correct term is " there was blood and other evidence found in the room."

What blood types can person with blood type A negative donate?

A person with blood type A negative can donate to individuals with blood types A negative and AB negative.

Can a person with AO genotype give blood to a person with O blood?

Yes, a person with AO genotype can donate blood to a person with blood type O because type O can receive blood from A and O blood types. The A from the donor's blood will not cause a reaction with the recipient's O blood.

How does obesity affect heart?

A normal sized person has 50,000 miles (yes, that is correct) of blood vessels. If that person is larger, there will be more vessels. Someone twice the normal size will have twice the number of blood vessels and twice the length. It will make the heart work harder.

How does a mosquito take its food?

A mosquito injects its proboscis (pin like needle) into the flesh, it then withdraws blood from the animal, after it has finished, it pulls away its proboscis and urinates on the area it has sucked the blood from. The urine causes the common itchy irritation on the surface of the skin.