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land -> continental shelf -> continental slope -> continental rise -> ocean floor.

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Q: What is the correct order of features on the continental margin moving from land out to sea?
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What are plates moving toward each other?

Plates that move toasted each other are detractive plates meeting at a destructive margin. If a continental and an oceanic plate move towards each other, earthquakes and volcanoes occur, this is called a subduction margin, but if the plates are both continental then fold mountains form this is a collision margin

What boundary is it called when an oceanic plate descends beneath a continental plate?

It's called destructive plate margin/boundary, or convergent plate margin though this term applies to all plate margins where two plates are moving towards each other (such as continental + continental or oceanic + oceanic).

Do the continental plates remain in one place?

No, both the continental and oceanic plates are always moving. Moving slowly, but always moving.

What is a subduction zon as it relates to earth science?

A subduction zone is a place at the margin of a continent where the neighbouring oceanic plate is 'subducted'. That is, the oceanic plate, moving toward the continental plate, goes down into the mantle because it is heavier than the continental plate. Subduction zones typically cause deep ocean trenches.

Where is there a continental continental boundary on earth?

The Himalayas and the Tibetan Plateau are formed by a continental-continental boundary where the Indian continental plate is moving north against the Eurasian continental plate.

How are continental tropical and continental polar air masses alike?

because the air is moving

What is the slowest moving glacier?

Continental Glaciers

What 2 words mean continents moving?

Continental drift

What do continental drift and seafloor spreading have in common?

they both have to do with moving

What is the activity of the earth's moving plates called?

The activity of the Earth's moving plates is called plate tectonics. This movement is responsible for various geological phenomena such as earthquakes, volcanic eruptions, and the formation of mountain ranges.

What two main names do you give to the moving plates?

continental and the oceanic.

What is the theory of the continents slowing moving each year?

Continental Drift.