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Q: What is the correct spelling counseled or counselled?
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How do you spell counselled?

The spelling counseling with one L is the American spelling; counselling with two L's is the English/Canadian spelling.

What is the correct spelling for counseled?

Consoled, meaning to lessen grief, sorrow, sadness; to give comfort. Counseled, meaning to give an opinion or advice. Both are correct spelling, depending on what word you are trying to use.

Would a patient be councilled or counseled to get medical help?

The answer is Counselled, which means 'advised' Councils are a sort of committee that decide things and exercise power, such as a Town Council or the Medical and Dental Council.

What is the correct way to spell the word privelidge?

The correct spelling is privileges.The correct spelling is privileges.The correct spelling is privileges.The correct spelling is privileges.The correct spelling is privileges.The correct spelling is privileges.The correct spelling is privileges.The correct spelling is privileges.The correct spelling is privileges.The correct spelling is privileges.The correct spelling is privileges.

Is VAXINATE a correct spelling?

No, "VAXINATE" is not a correct spelling. The correct spelling is "VACCINATE."

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No, the correct spelling isopportunities.

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Tomorrow is the correct spelling.

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The spelling employees is correct.

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The correct spelling isfistulagram.

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The correct spelling is "knob."

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The correct spelling is "rainforest."

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The correct spelling is "opened".