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"Thank you for being so patient." That is correct.

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Q: What is the correct spelling for this sentence Thank you for being so patient?
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Have you checked your grammar and spelling and sentence construction Please correct them. thank you?

Lol wut?

Is this sentence gramatically correct thanks for resolveing this matter ina timely maNNER?

No, the sentence is not grammatically correct. Here is the corrected version: "Thank you for resolving this matter in a timely manner."

Is this how to spell please?

Please is the correct spelling, if referring to a polite request.An example sentence is: Please pass me my slippers.Pleas is the correct spelling, if referring to an urgent request.An example sentence is: Her pleas for assistance went unheard.

Is thank you for coming into my life is correct sentence?

Yes, it is a complete, correct sentence.

How do you spell ma halo in Hawaii?

The correct spelling of "thank you" in Hawaiian is "mahalo."

Is this sentence grammatically correct Thank you John?

No, the sentence "Thank you John" is not grammatically correct. It should be written as "Thank you, John." Adding the comma after "thank you" separates the person's name as an interjection in the sentence.

Is this the right way to spell thank's?

No, the correct spelling is thanks.If you write thank's, that's either thank is or thank has or belonging to thank, none of which makes sense.

Thank you lord for the safe travel is a correct grammar?

The sentence, 'Thank you lord for the safe travel' is correct grammar.

How do you spell thankful?

The two word form "thank you" is a phrase of gratitude.The hyphenated form "thank-you" is the noun for the expression of gratitude.(e.g. He made a quick thank-you and left.)

What is wrong with this sentence Thank you Dr Smith for you referral of this patient.?

It should be 'your referral'.

Is this sentence grammatically correct Thank you for offering your assistance?

Yes, it is.

I received the assessment Thank you. Is this sentence correct?

As you have stated it, that is not entirely correct. If it was a single sentence then the word "thank" would not be capitalized, and if it is two sentences, then there should be a period after "assessment". You might find it more economical to say "Thank you for the assessment."