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Q: What is the correct spelling of football?
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How do you spell we watch football?

That is the correct spelling of the phrase "we watch football" in English.

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That is the correct spelling of "touchdown" (a football scoring play).

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The correct spelling is "Rugby."

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The correct spelling of the plural noun is hurricanes.It is capitalized for the University of Miami football team, the Hurricanes ('Canes).The original spelling, from Spanish, is huracán.

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The correct spelling is privileges.The correct spelling is privileges.The correct spelling is privileges.The correct spelling is privileges.The correct spelling is privileges.The correct spelling is privileges.The correct spelling is privileges.The correct spelling is privileges.The correct spelling is privileges.The correct spelling is privileges.The correct spelling is privileges.

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No, "VAXINATE" is not a correct spelling. The correct spelling is "VACCINATE."

How do you spell 'receiving'?

It is spelled "receive" in that it follows the rule "I before E except after C."Yes. The word "receive" means to accept something sent or given.

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No, the correct spelling isopportunities.

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Tomorrow is the correct spelling.

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The spelling employees is correct.

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The correct spelling is "opened".

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The correct spelling isproctopexy.