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The bend always goes on the back. It’s not a pirate hat.

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Lvl 2
3y ago
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James Manne

Lvl 1
1y ago
You're right, but it normally depends on the colors on the hat, an example would be if the sombrero has green, white, and red, then you would have to wear the colors in the right order or if it was just green and red,then you wear the green on your right
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Al Sumrall

Lvl 1
1y ago
A lot depends if you are using the hat for working or for just showing off. Working it does not matter. If you are attending a social function wear it brim backwards just to keep the fashion police from commenting.
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Wiki User

13y ago

You can wear it with the bend either in the front or the back. I would recommend the bend in the back though.

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10y ago


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