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Q: What is the cost to visit neurologist without insurance?
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$60-$90 dollars US without insurance.

How much does it cost for a visit to a pediatrician?

You insurance will have set copays. If you do not have insurance, there is most likely a local clinic you can visit. Or, call the pediatrician's office, and ask for the cost of a visit if you have to pay yourself. They may give you the insurance company's discount off of the full rate, but it will still be more than a copay. Expect to pay for the visit at the time of service.

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If you get a c section it will cost about $10.00

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What is the diagnoses.goiter

How much does a first trip to the neurologist cost for a puppy?

Most puppies don't need to go to a veterinary neurologist, so I am guessing your puppy has been referred for a congenital or developmental abnormality. The first examination will consist of a full physical and neurologic examination, which will probably cost several hundred dollars. Depending upon the findings, the veterinary neurologist may recommend imaging (CT, MRI, etc) which will add multiple hundreds of dollars to your visit cost. I would strongly suggest figuring out how much you are willing and able to spend on your puppy and be honest from the start with the veterinary neurologist about how much you can afford to spend.