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Its called, as it says in latin, "modernictus", though for us it is modernism

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Q: What is the current music period called?
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What is the current music period?

Its called, as it says in latin, "modernictus", though for us it is modernism

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What is the current period called?

Its called, as it says in latin, "modernictus", though for us it is modernism

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It's called the "Romantic" era.

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The term classical music refers to a broad period in Western music that includes the Baroque and Romantic eras.

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The Renaissance period was between the 14th and 16th centuries. During this period there were dramatic advancements in all art forms, including music. For this reason, the period is often called the golden age of singing.

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Frederic Chopin was in the classical music period.

Which musical era is Beethoven's music from?

The 18th century was called the Baroque period, and Vienna was a Baroque city. But in his case, he wrote music in that era and in the classical period also. Two eras, one composer.