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in the big area where minos and catapillers meet just kidding in a deep dark area in the ocean i think my advior tells me this stuff

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Q: What ocean zone is at the deepest location?
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Which of these is the deepest ocean zone?


Is the deepest point in the pacific ocean called the midnight zone?

The Marianas Trench is the deepest point of all the oceans and is located in the pacific ocean. The deepest parts of the ocean get no sunlight at all because they are so deep. This is known as the midnight zone.

Is the abyssal plain the deepest in the ocean?

no it isn't the hadal zone is

What is the trench zone?

it is the bottom of the ocean and the deepest 13,200-19,800 feet

What is a hadal zone?

The hadal zone, also known as the hadopelagic zone, is the deepest region of the ocean lying within oceanic trenches.

Is the octupus in the intertidal merictic or the oceanic zone?

Octupuses are in the oceanic zone. Octupuses live in the deepest parts of the ocean.

What is the oceanic zone?

The deepest, darkest area of the ocean that is beyond the edge of the continental shelf.

How deep is each of the ocean zones?

The hadal zone is the deepest zone it is deeper than the abyssal by alot. The abyssal zone only reach 4,000 miles in depth the hadal zone can reach 6,000 miles to 7,000 miles in depth.

Whats some information on the open ocean zone?

It is the deepest, darkest area of the ocean beyond the edge of the continental shelf.

How deep is the midnight zone in feet?

nothing. the midnight zone is the deepest part of the ocean.

Which part of the ocean contains trenches and is the deepest?

Yes because they are called deep ocean trenches.

What are the name of the zone?

what is the name of the deepest part of the ocean?1.neritic 2.trench 3.abyss