

What is the definition of RNA?

Updated: 9/26/2023
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Q: What is the definition of RNA?
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Per definition, yes.

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Guanine is a nitrogenous base that pairs with Cytosine in DNA and RNA.

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A gene codes for either a polypeptide or an RNA molecule.

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No, by definition a reticulocyte has extruded it's nucleus, but still has RNA in it's cytoplasm

What process creates RNA?

The process of making an RNA strand from a DNA copy is called transcription.A difference between RNA and DNA is that RNA uses Uracil instead of Thymine.Complimentary Base Pairs:DNA RNAT --------- AA --------- UC --------- GG --------- C

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The definition of the 'intron' is part of the DNA sequence within a gene. It is the sequence within a particular gene that is removed during the RNA splicing process.

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The definition of the word translation in science is " the process by which a protein is synthesized from the information contained in a molecule of messenger RNA. "

Definition of transcriptomics in molecular biology?

The study of transcriptome of a spices that transcriptomes are set of the all RNA. hadi from Islamic Republic of Iran.

What are the 3 main kinds of rna?

The 3 types of RNA are; Transfer RNA (t-RNA), messenger RNA(m-RNA), and ribosomal RNA(r-RNA).

Is small RNA is a type of RNA?

of course its a type of RNA it has RNA in its name