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Oblique is the "three-quarters" angle to any figure. There is the front view, the side view, and the oblique. It is an interesting angle because the shapes in the figure stretch and vary according to the new position of the figure. A good example is to view the hand from the palm and then move the hand thumb up about 30 degrees. Note the difference in the shapes that become apparent. For artists, this is a popular pose for a model because the angles and masses shift with unexpected beauty.

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Q: What is the definition of oblique sketch?
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What does the terms oblique sketch mean?

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There are 4 types of sketches 1. Pencil Sketch 2. Computer Sketch 3. Photo Sketch 4. Portet Sketch

What are the differences between oblique sketches and isometric sketches?

In an oblique sketch you have a horizontal x-axis and the z-axis comes off of it to show depth. In an isometric sketch the x-axis and the z-axis are at angles, and the angles of all three axis are 40 degrees each, or 120 degrees total. Oblique Sketch: Isometric Sketch: as you can see, in the oblique sketch the axis is perfectly horizontal while the isometrix axis is not.

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the artistc definition of a flat sketch is a sketch that is not really 3D

What is cabinet oblique?

A 3D sketch drawn true size in its height and width, but foreshortened in its depth.

Can an oblique triangle be a right triangle?

No.The definition of an oblique triangle is "any triangle that is not a right triangle".

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What is the difference between isometric and oblique drawing?

1.)Oblique sketch has a more focus on the front side of an object or the face while isometric sketch focuses on the edge of an object. 2.)Oblique sketch drawn usually using the 45-degrees angle to render the third dimensions while isometric sketch drawn using 30 degrees angles.

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What is the definition of oblique prism?

A prism in which the bases are not aligned properly.